Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Apple Brings 3G VoIP to the iPhone

While the world was watching Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveil the iPad, voice-over-IP programs that use AT&T’s 3G network were finally being released for the iPhone. Yesterday iCall sent out a release saying Apple had updated the iPhone software development kit to allow VoIP over AT&T’s cellular network, and tout that it has a working product. Today fring said it has a working VoIP over 3G application on the iPhone. Om checked out Skype and Nimbuzz, but those apps haven’t yet been updated, as you can see from Om’s screenshot.
The tech world has been waiting for the ability to make VoIP calls over the AT&T 3G network ever since after the Federal Communication Commission closed it inquiry into the blocking of the Google Voice application on the iPhone. As a result of the agency’s questioning, it was revealed that AT&T in fact prohibited VoIP on its network, but also that Apple was responsible for blocking Google Voice.
So in October, AT&T said it would allow VoIP over its 3G network. While some doubt that VoIP on the iPhone will be a great experience, some just want to see it happen. For them, yesterday may live in their memory not for the launch of the iPad but because now they can now use VoIP on their beloved iPhones anywhere they have a connection. For more, check out the coverage at The Apple Blog.

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